Friday 12 April 2013


4 cup full cream milk
2 1/2 tsp lemon juice(1 lemon)
2 cup sugar
4 cup water
1/4 tsp rose water

1.Heat milk in a pan and bring it to boil.

2.When it starts boiling,add lemon juice and wait for the milk to curdle completely.(when milk will turn into in yellow water that is enough lemon juice and upper side thikness that is paneer)

3.Remove from the heat and Pour over a thin muslin/cotton cloth and tie it with a tight knot.On straining this milk,the curd is obtained is called paneer.Wash paneer well using muslin cloth under cold running water to remove lemon juice flavor.

4.Knead paneer for about 2-3 minutes to make a smooth dough.

5.Make smalls of about 1 inch in size (13-15) of the dough and keep aside.

6.Next make sugar syrup.Mix sugar,water,in a cooker and bring it to boil.
7.Add paneer balls to the hot syrup and take a steam then cook for about 8-10 minutes on sim flame.Turn it off.
8.let it be cold and open the cooker.

9.Transfer into a serving dish.let it be cool.

10.Keep in the Refrigerate and serve chilled.

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